Helen is a black and silver female with an ultra soft coat. She is the full sister to Ila, and at 16 lb.s she has a slightly more petite bone structure than her sister, Ila. Helen has the sweetest eyes and loves to snuggle. She is super laid back and easy going. She is a wonderful mother and loves to play with her puppies after she weans them.
Ila is a black and silver female with a super thick, ultra soft coat. She is a full sister to Helen and at 17.5 lb. she has a slightly larger frame than her sister. She likes to think of herself as the 'boss' of the place. She loves her family and is eager to please. She has a naturally maternal personality and absolutely loves being a mother!
Lula quickly stole our hearts with her spunky, loving, obedient, and loyal personality. She loves to roll over to have her belly scratched, play with her toys and sisters, and ride with us to run errands. Lula loves to play with all of the puppies and makes a wonderful puppy sitter and entertainer! Lula has the traditional slightly coarse coat on her body and weighs in at 18 pounds. She is a solid black female with superb bloodlines.
Jasper is our spoiled rotten stud dog. Jasper has beautiful bright markings, and has the poise of a show dog. He loves playing with (and destroying balls), going on rides to run errands, and playing with his two legged and four legged siblings. He is a mommy's boy and loves to snuggle. Jasper weighs in at 18 lb.s of sturdy muscle.
Madison is our newest addition to the Peach State Family. She comes from a long line of show dogs with many championship titles in her pedigree. Madison is a true all-around wonderful dog. She has an adorable little bark when she is happy to see us. She is a wonderful traveling dog and loves to go to soccer games and on camping trips with the family. She is so playful, yet so calm and obedient. Madison's nickname is 'Flop', because she goes limp when we hold her and she flops around in our arms! She is such a loving little girl who never meets a stranger. Her addition to our family has been nothing short of a blessing.
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